Performance on Tour, August 2022
mit: Jossia Clement, Steph Quinci, Valerie Ebuwa, Laura Morales, Christian Novopavlovski und Joseph Hernandez.
Choreographie und Sound: Caroline Beach
Bühne/ Floß und Kostüm: Jinx Rüger und Amelie Sabbagh
Video: Lucie Freynhagen
Künstlerische Assistenz: Ana Dordevic

Stops @
Studio db, Berlin
hosek contemporary, Berlin
Tegelsee, Berlin
Genezarethkirche, Berlin
C. Rockerfeller Center for the Contemporary Arts

A sailor* must find a temporary boat in order to navigate the precarious waters of narrative, but what resources are available to a crew this cute? A hanging garden, a negative affirmation, a curated time-travel through various melancholias. A Sailor* can make special offers for the possible versions of reality piled at their feet, but the winds from paradise are always blowing in the wrong direction and messing up your hair. A Sailor must use razor sharp pop logic and their own dead futures if they want to stay afloat out here. Ahoi! —

Fotos © Ilia Osokin, Simon Findlay, Amelie Sabbagh, Lucie Freynhagen
Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm Tanz.